What is Mani Retreat?
Mani Retreat is a recitation retreat where participants gather to recite the six syllabus mantra OM MANI PADME HUNG, which is the heart mantra of Avalokiteshvara (Guan Yin) Bodhisattva.
OM MANI PADME HUNG is the heart mantra of Avalokiteshvara (Guan Yin) Bodhisatttva. If the mantra is recited with a sincere heart and pure motivation, practitioners will gain insight into the wisdom and compassion of Avalokitshvara Bodhisattva.
Mantra Count
This is opened to Organisations and Dharma centres. The accumulation of the Mani chants will be dedicated at the end of the Mani Retreat for world peace, aversion of calamities and for prosperity and good health.
Online Mantra Pledge
Please click here to download the Mani Chanting Recording List for 2024.
Thank you.

The 24th 100 Million Mani Recitation Retreat
The 24th 100 Million Mani Recitation Retreat was successfully completed in Singapore on 29 Dec 2024!
The total number of on-site recitations and contributions from around the world is 110,935,769 Mani recitation counts.
The Mani Retreat Association would like to sincerely thank HE Tritsab Gyabra Rinpoche, Ven Chuan Xian & the sangha members for leading us in this auspicious retreat, sponsors, volunteers and all our participants (both in Singapore and around the world).
Thank you very much for making this event possible and complete.
We would like to dedicate the merits and positivity we have accumulated during the retreat towards world peace, aversion of all calamities and for everyone’s good health and happiness in the coming year.
May our Mani practice benefit all sentient beings and may all gain Enlightenment soon.
第24届一亿观音心咒禅修闭关已在新加坡圆满结束。我们通过在场的参与者以及世界各地的念诵者的念诵,总共累积了 110,935,769 遍的嘛尼心咒。