To bring out the best of this retreat practice, there are a few rules and regulations that we hope you will abide by during this whole retreat.
- Please be punctual and attend all the sessions daily. At the end of the retreat, one will experience the blessings of inner peace and joy by keeping this commitment sincerely.
- There will be full timer and part timer sections. Please sit in the right section according to your ticket purchased. Free seating for the two days event. Please do not swap seats with others during the retreat
- Take vegetarian meals during the entire retreat. Eggs and food mixed or cooked with meat are NOT allowed. No smoking is allowed in the hall and during the retreat session.
- Wear white or light colored attire if possible. Participants wearing shorts and singlet will not be allowed to enter the retreat hall.
- To make the retreat environment conducive for all participants, please keep conversation to the minimum and recite Om Mani Padme Hung as often as you can, especially during break times. Please avoid using your mobile phones unnecessarily.
- Please refrain from using unofficial video equipment during the retreat. Participants should seek the Organizing Committee’s approval before uploading photos or video clips of the retreat in the internet for public viewing.
Kindly respect all decisions made by the Organizing Committee. Please be responsible for your own safety and personal belongings. The Organizing Committee will not be held responsible in the event of injuries, accidents and losses of any valuables during the retreat.
- 请准时出席并参与全程念诵。坚持此信念的与会者将能因法会带来的加持,体验到心灵上的喜悦。
- 现场法会将分成全职参与者和非全职参与者。请大众依票入座正确的部分。两天法会参与者可自行选择座位。
- 法会期间必须茹素,禁止食用蛋类或混杂荤食。法会期间,禁止吸烟。
- 请穿着白色或素色服装;穿着短裤和背心者不得入席。
- 法会期间遵守戒律,做到止语和闭关并在休息期间时常持念心咒。法会期间请将手机调制到静音状态。
- 法会期间未经主办者允许,禁止录制并播放和法会相关等一切活动。