The Late His Eminence Drubwang Konchok Norbu Rinpoche

The great accomplished practitioner, H.E. Drubwang Konchok Norbu Rinpoche (1921-2007) was born in Drikung,Tibet in 1921. He entered Drikung Nyima Changra Buddhist Institute at a very young age and studied Buddhist philosophy. After his graduation, Drubwang Rinpoche became the disciple of one of the foremost contemporary retreat masters of the Drikung Kagyu lineage, Drubwang Pachung Rinpoche (1901-1988). Under the guidance of Drubwang Pachung Rinpoche, Drubwang Konchok Norbu Rinpoche went on retreat for many years and eventually gained the supreme experiential understanding of Mahamudra.nnAt the request of H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama, Drubwang Rinpoche traveled to different countries such as India, Nepal, Singapore, Malaysia, USA and Taiwan to propagate the practice of Avalokiteshvarau2019s six-syllable mantra. Through his deep compassion, he encouraged and inspired people to do the simplest of all dharma practices u2013 extend kindness and recite the mantras of the three kayas: Om Ami Dewa Hrih (mantra of Amitabha), Om Mani Padme Hung (mantra of Avalokiteshvara), Om Ah Hung Benzra Guru Padma Siddhi Hung (mantra of Guru Rinpoche).nnDrubwang Rinpoche initiated the first Singapore 100 Million Mani Recitation Retreat in 2001. Accumulation of the100 million Mani mantra was achieved. The retreat has since become an annual dharma event in Singapore.nnOn 25 December 2007, Drubwang Rinpoche passed into parinirvana in Singapore. Rinpoche was remembered for his genuine teachings and straight forward advices. His compassion and his effort in propagating the six-syllable mantra have served as a great inspiration to many.

His Eminence Thritsab Rinpoche

H.E. Thritsab Gyabra Rinpoche is a reincarnation of the second Drikung Kagyu throne holder, Khenchen Tsultrim Dorje (1154-1220). Khenchen Tsultrim Dorje was ordained at a very young age. At the age of 46, he traveled to Drikung Thil Monastery in central Tibet to pay his respect to Lord Jigten Sumgon. Upon meeting Lord Jigten Sumgon, he felt an immediate strong connection with him. From then onwards, he stayed by Lord Jigten Sumgonu2019s side and obtained all the essential teachings. Eventually he became enlightened.Thritsab Rinpoche last reincarnation, Gyabra Thubten Wangpo (1921-1979), was the heart disciple of H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche and H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Chungtsang Rinpoche (the two supreme heads of Drikung Kagyu lineage) of that time. After the two Holinesses passed away, he became the acting head of the Drikung Kagyu order. Upon the recognition of the reincarnations of the two present Holinesses, he became responsible for their education. He transmitted all the Dharma teachings, empowerments and practices of Drikung Kagyu to the two reincarnated Holinesses and many other rinpoches, tulkus and lamas of Drikung Kagyu. In the history of Drikung Kagyu, the reincarnations of Thritsab Rinpoche can be considered as one of the masters who makes great contribution to the preservation of the Drikung Kagyu lineage.
The current 7th Thritsab Rinpoche was born in India on 10 February 1981. Thritsab Rinpoche was recognized by H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche in 1986 and was officially enthroned on 14 January 1990. Thritsab Rinpoche completed all his monastic education in Drikung Kagyu Institute at Dehradun of India. Following the footsteps of the great masters of the past, he did his three-year retreat from 1996 to 1999 in order to undertake the task of benefitting all sentient beings. Rinpoche has also received many teachings, instructions, oral transmissions and empowerments from H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche, Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche and H.H Kyabje Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche of Nyingma lineage, H.E. Garchen Rinpoche, Most Venerable Togden Rinpoche, Most Venerable Khenchen Konchok Gyaltsen Rinpoche and many other great masters on various occasions.Thritsab Rinpoche took the full monastic ordination from H.H. Chetsang Rinpoche with many khenpos and masters in 2001. In the same year, H.H Chetsang Rinpoche also announced that Thritsab Rinpoche would be representing him in handling all the matters of Drikung Kagyu lineage in the future.
Thritsab Rinpoche is currently the chairperson for the Drikung Kagyu Religious Society (DKRS) and the head of Rinchen Ling Monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal.nnIn January 2007, Thritsab Rinpoche established Kedah Drikung Kagyu Dharma Center in Malaysia.nnRinpoche has traveled to Singapore, Taiwan and Malaysia. He has also been invited to USA, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Estonia and Latvia to give teachings and empowerments to Drikung Kagyu disciples. Some of the teachings that Thritsab Rinpoche usually teaches are Jewel Ornament of Liberationu201d and u201cThe Bodhisattva Way of Lifeu201d. Rinpoche has also taught the practice of u201cPure Vision of Achi Chokyi Drolmau201d, a hidden treasure retrieved by the previous Thritsab Gyabra Rinpoche.nnRinpoche has been attending the Mani Retreat with H.E. Drubwang Konchok Norbu Rinpoche and Drikung Kagyu lamas in Singapore since 2004. Drubwang Rinpoche had mentioned that Thritsab Rinpoche would lead the 100 Million Mani Recitation Retreat in Singapore in his absence. After the parinirvana of Drubwang Rinpoche in 2007, Thritsab Rinpoche followed his guruu2019s instruction and continued to lead the annual 100 Million Mani Recitation Retreat in Singapore.