
If you wish to support this meritorious event by making a kind contribution. You may send us a cheque, made payable to "Mani Retreat Association" and mail it to:

10 Stirling Road, #22-04. Singapore 148954

Please indicate your name and address behind the cheque, so that we can send you an official receipt.

Alternatively, you may PayNow/PayLah to Mani Retreat Association PayNow UEN: T11SS0164KMRA.

Please indicate the type of donation in the reference. For example, light offering, general donation or retreat expemse.

Thank you very much for your generosity. May all living beings benefit from your kindness directly and indirectly, and may all gain Enlightenment soon.


10 Stirling Road, #22-04. Singapore 148954

支票抬头请注明: Mani Retreat Association


或者,您也可以 PayNow/PayLah 至 Mani Retreat Association PayNow UEN:T11SS0164KMRA

