The 22nd 100 Million Mani Recitation Retreat
ONLINE Mani Recitation Retreat
In Memory of the Late Drubwang Konchok Norbu Rinpoche
Online Retreat will be led by His Eminence Thritsab Gyabra Rinpoche.
Due to H.E. Thritsab Rinpoche’s tight teaching schedule, Rinpoche is unable to come to Singapore personally for this year’s retreat.
However, Rinpoche has compassionately agreed to lead the online Retreat from 16-18 Dec 2022 via Zoom. The physical Retreat in Singapore on 24 & 25 Dec 2022, led by Ven. Chuan Xian and the local Sangha members, will include the recitation of the Mani mantras, the late H.E. Drubwang Rinpoche’s 15th anniversary prayer and the Grand Dedication at the end of the Retreat.
Date: 16 to 18 Dec
Time: 9am – 9pm (Fri - Sun)
Admission Fee: Free
Online Registration Link
Zoom Registration starts on 27th October, please visit here to sign up for the retreat!

日期:2022年12月16-18日 (周五- 星期日)
时间:上午9点- 晚上9点 (+8GMT)
报名日期从10月27日起, 大众可以通过这里报名报名Zoom平台参加法会
Enquiry Line | 询问电话 : (+65) 939 53150
Operating Hours | 咨询时间 : Weekdays : 7pm to 10pm
Weekends: 10am to 10pm
Email | 电邮 : [email protected]
The Organisers | 主办单位
Mani Retreat Association | 嘛呢共修协会
Drikung Kagyu Lineage |直贡噶举传承